Jewish Communities in China Face Spread of Deadly Virus

As the death toll and emergency measures increase daily, Jewish communities in cities across China joined the population at large in the struggle to protect themselves against the new deadly coronavirus and cope with the extreme precautions being taken to guard against the spread of the flu-like respiratory disease. As of Tuesday, the virus has […]

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Research: Stigmas regarding religious Jews don’t apply to Chabad

New research shows Israelis have deep emotional connection to Chabad, don’t stigmatize Lubavitchers the way they do other religious Jews. The most comprehensive research to date regarding content for Chabad Houses in Israel was presented Monday night at the annual Israeli “Shluchim Conference” organized by Tze’irei Agudat Chabad. The research included three comprehensive surveys, as […]

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Still Fighting Anti-Semitism, 93-year Old Holocaust Survivor Cherishes His Bar Mitzvah

Henry Eisen cites the ‘warmth of Chabad’ in decision to affirm his Judaism Faced with rising anti-Semitism, Jewish people everywhere have been searching for ways to make a difference and to combat such sentiments wherever they are found. For one elderly man, the choice was clear. During a beautiful Shabbat ceremony at the Chabad Jewish […]

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Changing the dynamic

With 10 days to 70 years, take on a part of the Rebbe’s Torah. Join with 100+ communities and thousands of chassidim. Join your community page Join on the site by tomorrow at enter a raffle for a ticket to the Rebbe for Yud Shevat or $770 for seforim. 🖥 Watch the short […]

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Book Review: Torah From The Warsaw Ghetto

A buried manuscript from the Holocaust, uncovered to become a discussion on faith. Torah From the Years of Wrath 1939-1943: The Historical Context of the Aish Kodesh By Dr. Henry Abramson Published by CreateSpace, 2017 Reviewed by Chana Silberstein PhD By virtue of the circumstances of its survival, one feels morally compelled to read the […]

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