Chabad: Uniting the World Through Food

Chabad: Uniting the World Through Food

Before becoming the president of the Ithaca College chapter of Chabad on Campus, Elias Elliot grew up in an untraditional Jewish household. His family celebrated Christmas and Easter. The only true connection Elliot had to Judaism was the knowledge of his Jewish ancestors and his great grandfather’s tefillin, which are a set of small black […]

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US National Library of Congress to accept book of Talmud for first time

US National Library of Congress to accept book of Talmud for first time

The translation from Hebrew to English took world renowned Rabbi Steinsaltz 8 years to complete. For the first time ever, a book of Talmud will be accepted into the US’s National Library of Congress, the largest library in the world. The book of Talmud, translated by world renowned scholar Rabbi Adin Even Israel Steinsaltz, will be […]

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Catholics must reject social media anti-Semitism, Indiana bishop says

Fort Wayne, Ind., Feb 25, 2020 / 08:00 pm (CNA).- The Catholic Church has “firmly condemned” anti-Semitism, Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana said Feb. 19, warning against theological errors and “false and hateful” rhetoric against Jews on social media. “Unfortunately, there has been a rise in recent years of anti-Jewish and […]

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Jewish Child-Abuse Victim in Australia Wins $80,000 in Lawsuit Against Attacker

Jewish Child-Abuse Victim in Australia Wins $80,000 in Lawsuit Against Attacker

The Supreme Court of Victoria in Australia awarded a former yeshivah student who was sexually assaulted by his karate teacher $804,170 in a civil case against his perpetrator and serial abuser. Manny Waks was 13 when the abuse by his former karate teacher, David Cyprys, then 20, started in 1988 while he was a student at the Yeshivah […]

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Rabbi With ALS Pens Heartfelt Plea for Good Deeds

Using only his eyes and a computer screen to communicate his heartfelt wishes, Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, who has inspired and uplifted people around the world since being immobilized by ALS in 2013, wrote a deeply personal message describing his joy that thousands of Jewish people are doing mitzvahs in honor of his 48th birthday, and […]

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European Jewish communities to unveil plan to fight anti-Semitism

European Jewish communities to unveil plan to fight anti-Semitism

The European Jewish Association is scheduled to unveil a wide-ranging action plan to fight anti-Semitism in Europe at its annual conference in Paris today (Tuesday). The plan was compiled in recent months by chairman of the EJA Rabbi Menachem Margolin and a team from the EJA, who consulted with experts, heads of Jewish communities throughout […]

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Iceland’s Jewish Community Celebrates Its First Sefer Torah

Iceland’s Jewish Community Celebrates Its First Sefer Torah

The Jewish community in Iceland joyfully held a hachnasas Sefer Torah last week in the capital city of Reykjavík for the Nordic country’s first permanent Torah, a JTA report said. For a country in which shechita has been illegal for decades and has made headlines in the Jewish press for its proposal to criminalize circumcision […]

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Mother of All Prophetic Superiority

After elucidating the reason a (relatively) small number of Prophets were cited (in juxtaposing lackluster spiritual awakenings they engendered, in comparison with the tsunami of Teshuva caused by Haman), the Talmud seeks to identity the seven Prophetesses – also cast as less impactful. Interestingly, the distinction of prophetic posterity isn’t overtly invoked, and there seems […]

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New: Mikros Gdolos Chumash Set with Zohar, Ari”Zal, Bresolv, Chabad and Traditional Commentators

New: Mikros Gdolos Chumash Set with Zohar, Ari”Zal, Bresolv, Chabad and Traditional Commentators

Chumash Pardes with Peshat, Remez, Derush and Sod. Yeshivat HaChen together with some prominent Rabbis from Sharei Shamaim and Targum Publishers had produced a new set of Chumash Mikros Gdolos style that include 18 Meforshim from Kabbalistic/ Chassidic commentaries. ( Ari”ZL, Zohar, Besht, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Chabad – Sichos, R.NAchman of Breslov, Baal HaTania, Ben […]

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New Jewish Cemetery for Southwest Florida

New Jewish Cemetery for Southwest Florida

A new Jewish cemetery was consecrated in Fort Myers last week under the leadership of Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida.  Named Chava’s Garden by donors Dr. James and Betty Rubenstein in memory of Betty’s mother, Chava Rabinowitz, the cemetery has space for 200 plots. Mrs. Rubenstein, an activist in the Jewish […]

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