State awards security grants to religious, nonprofit groups

The state has announced grants totaling $5 million to 113 religious and other nonprofit institutions around the state to increase their security against potential hate crimes. The grants were awarded in implementation of a 2019 allocation approved by state lawmakers in the wake of the Oct. 27, 2018, massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Eligible institutions […]

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UK Parliament Members Debate ‘Systematic Insertion of Violence, Martyrdom and Jihad’ in Palestinian Authority Textbooks

Members of the UK Parliament debated on Tuesday the issue of incitement to violence and terrorism in Palestinian Authority textbooks, with one expressing concern over “a systematic insertion of violence, martyrdom and jihad” in the educational materials. The debate took place at Westminster Hall, where MPs can raise specific issues with a government minister, though […]

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Israeli Spyware Firm NSO Seeks Court Sanctions Against Facebook

Israel’s NSO Group is asking a California judge to sanction Facebook Inc for allegedly failing to abide by international law with regards to its lawsuit against the spyware maker. Facebook’s WhatsApp sued NSO in October after finding evidence that the hacking firm had abused a flaw in the popular chat program to remotely hijack hundreds […]

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Tenafly Chabad Middle School Has Tzizit Workshop

The Tenafly Chabad seventh and eighth graders welcomed Rabbi Grossbaum and his tzitzit workshop. The hands-on workshop brought to life what students have been learning in Chumash over the past few weeks. Rabbi Grossbaum taught them about the different types of tzitzit and how to tie their own strings to the corner of a garment. […]

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Ki Tisa: Picking Up the Pieces

his week’s parsha tells the story of the Golden Calf, the worst national sin in the history of the Jewish people. Frankly, if I were the editor of the Bible I’d have left that part out. How humiliating to the Jews! Just weeks after the greatest revelation of all time, when they saw and heard […]

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Coronavirus Couldn’t Stop This Pre-Purim Joy

Coronavirus Couldn't Stop This Pre-Purim Joy

On Wednesday, with a little help from technology, a coronavirus-related setback was averted for a group of seniors and children.  The lower elementary classes of Maimonides Jewish Day School in Portland, run by Chabad of Oregon, planned to visit the residents of Cedar Sinai Park, a senior living and care center. As part of the […]

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Unique Torah scroll completed in Cobb

Unique Torah scroll completed in Cobb

EAST COBB — A unique Torah scroll handwritten by a specially trained scribe at various holy sites in Israel is officially complete and home among Cobb’s Jewish population. More than 200 people packed the Chabad of Cobb on Lower Roswell Road on Sunday morning to see the historic Torah scroll finished by Rabbi Moshe Klein, […]

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