Mrs. Dusia (Dvosha) Rivkin, matriarch of a large Chabad-Lubavitch family with hundreds of descendants around the world, passed away on March 29. She was 93 years old. Born in Kharkov , Soviet Ukraine, in 1927 to Mendel and Hinda Deitsch, Dusia absorbed the values of generosity and hospitality from a young age. Especially formative were […]
Food pantry reroutes cancelled El Al meals to clients hit by coronavirus economy
For kosher food pantries, Passover is already the busiest time of year, a time when many Jewish New Yorkers need help procuring the pricey food that meets the holiday’s dietary restrictions. But this Passover is unlike any other. As coronavirus takes its toll on family finances, food pantries stretching supplies of kosher-for-Passover food to serve […]
How Neo-Nazis Helped Bring Passover to Tasmania
In late February, Tasmania’s Jewish community was rocked from its tranquil existence by a string of anti-Semitic displays—a synagogue defaced and swastikas prominently displayed in front of a home—horrifying local residents and the state as a whole. Tucked away in a hidden corner of the world, separated from mainland Australia by the Bass Strait, Tasmania […]
Candidates for AS President and Vice President: Rebecca Grinberg and Nikolas Morrison-Welch
Leadership comes naturally to Rebecca Grinberg, who had involved herself in multiple organizations on campus before deciding to run for Associated Students president. “My parents come from the Soviet Union, so I was the first generation to be born in the United States,” said Grinberg. “Growing up, I had this really large motivation to really […]
Vigil in Solidarity with the Community of Chabad of Poway, California
Vigil in Solidarity with the Community of Chabad of Poway, California Held on Tuesday, April 30th at the Civic Center Oval Plaza led by Rabbi Yoel Caroline of Chabad Key Biscayne Jewish Center. Reverend Susan of St. Christopher’s by the Sea was also in attendance, as well as community leaders and police and fire department […]
Rabbi Yosef Neumann, 72, Monsey Chanukah Stabbing Victim
Those who knew him all use the same Yiddish words to describe Rabbi Yosef Neumann, who was brutally stabbed at a Chanukah celebration in Monsey, N.Y., and passed away on Sunday of his wounds: “He is a fartzeitishe Chassidisher Yid,” a Chassidic Jew from a bygone era, an unending font of Chassidic stories, anecdotes and […]
Everything You Need For An At-Home-Seder
Dear Friends, While we pray for a speedy and healthy end to the challenge we face, it is time now to begin preparing for Pesach. Passover is traditionally spent with family and friends, a celebration of the Divine gift of Jewish survival and community. But with coronavirus curtailing travel plans and social interactions, many are […]
Online Judaism: A guide for parents on engaging Jewishly in the time of corona
(March 30, 2020 / JNS) It wasn’t so long ago when life was so over-the-top busy that you longed for some quiet unstructured time with your children. The coronavirus pandemic has granted that wish. And then some. With no end in sight of QT (Quality Time), many schools have come to a parent’s rescue with […]
In Age of Coronavirus, Chabad Launches World’s Largest Passover Campaign
Until just a few weeks ago, Ira and Karen Smith and their family were looking forward to a Passover adventure. Ira’s younger sister was getting married in Las Vegas the weekend before the Jewish holiday, so the Smiths planned to fly there from their hometown of Evanston, Ill., outside of Chicago, to celebrate the nuptials, […]
Torah dedication in memory of Kazens’ 57-year tenure
Men and boys linked arms, danced in frenzied circles and kicked up their heels as a newly completed Torah was accompanied under a chuppah from Hebrew Academy of Cleveland to Congregation Zemach Zedek in Cleveland Heights March 1. The new Torah scroll was commissioned in memory of the shul’s 57-year leaders, Rabbi Zalman Kazen and […]