Coronavirus Quarantine Kaddish Service

If you are unable to make it to services to say kaddish for a loved one due to Coronavirus, we’re here to help by ensuring that the mourner’s kaddish will be said in synagogue in their merit. Simply fill out the form below, and our volunteers will lovingly help you memorialize your dear departed. Please […]

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TABC Heads to the Big Easy to Do Big Chesed

Twelve TABC juniors and seniors, along with Rabbis Ezra Stone and Jonathan Kessel, headed down to the Big Easy on Sunday for a four-day chesed mission in NOLA. The boys left from Newark Airport for the two and a half hour flight with a focused mincha before they embarked on the journey ahead. After they […]

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Naperville Offices Trade at High Price-Per-Square-Foot

Cawley Chicago VP Ryan Freed recently completed the sale of 651 Amersale Dr., a 7,800-square-foot, free-standing office building in Naperville, IL. The building sold for $1,677,000, which is $215 per square foot. “This sale came down to the adage, ‘location, location, location,’ said Freed. “651 Amersale Dr. was not on the market; however, the buyer had […]

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Gleaning Jewish Wisdom Through Art

On the first Friday of every month, the quiet cobblestone streets of Old City Philadelphia are reborn into a bustling, contemporary art scene. Thousands of eager guests wander through, enjoying the wide variety of music and art exhibitions. But, by nine o’clock, most galleries have closed, and a hush begins to settle back over the […]

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Trump Curbs Travel From Europe as Coronavirus Disrupts Schools, Sports

President Donald Trump ordered the suspension of European travel to the United States for 30 days to help curb the spread of a coronavirus pandemic that has disrupted nearly all corners of US daily life, from education to sports and entertainment. Trump, whose administration has come under sharp criticism for its response to the public health crisis, […]

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