Chabad of Peoria offers Seder to go meals for Passover

PEORIA, Ill. (WMBD) — This year, many people will celebrate Passover and host their Seder dinners in a different way due to COVID-19 restrictions. This year, people can order Seder to go boxes from Chabad of Peoria that have all the essentials needed to celebrate at home. Passover, an eight day celebration, begins on the […]

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The Poor Rabbi and the Passover Gift

In a village deep in Poland, there lived a rabbi who couldn’t remember the last time he was paid. He led a congregation of poor peasants, for whom their rabbi’s salary was their children’s portion of bread, and so, the rabbi and his family lived in poverty themselves, unable to escape the gnawings of hunger. […]

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Are Peanuts Kosher for Passover?

On Passover, Jews of Ashkenazic descent (and some Sefardic communities as well) do not eat anything that is considered “kitniyot.” But before we get to peanuts, let’s give a bit of background. What Are Kitniyot? “Kitniyot” is generally translated as “beans” or “legumes.” However, in this context, it is not an exact translation. The Code […]

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Special El Al flight brings Israelis home from Colombia

A chartered El Al flight from Bogota evacuated nearly 70 Israelis from Colombia on Thursday morning as most flights were canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.Foreign Minister Israel Katz specifically ordered his ministry to organize the flight to help Israeli backpackers who were unable to find flights out of the country. The flight is expected […]

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Keeping faith close – even from afar

Religious communities on campus are using alternative methods to continue worship during the COVID-19 pandemic Just as buildings across campus are desolate and all but abandoned, so too are the churches, synagogues and temples that surround the University of Minnesota community. Dozens have canceled sermons or moved to online services in response to the coronavirus […]

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Five Towns houses of worship continuing praying amid the coronavirus outbreak

Temple Hillel Rabbi Steven Graber of the Conservative Jewish synagogue in North Woodmere is speaking to his congregants through a video on YouTube and conducting weekday evening services at 7:30 p.m., and Shabbat services at 6 p.m.  “I am teaching the portion of the week on Temple Hillel’s Facebook page,” he said. “More services, classes and […]

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Holocaust Survivor’s Story

Due to the coronavirus, the Eva Schloss event at the Performing Arts Center was cancelled. Nine hundred seats were sold out in record time to watch the event with Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss. Instead only a very small group of people watched the interview at the Chabad of SCV center, while the general public watched […]

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Chabad Offers Passover Seder-To-Go For Shelter-In-Place

Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois and its 50 centers throughout Illinois are making “Seder in a Box” available to the homebound. The Jewish Festival of Passover – April 8-16, is highlighted by the Seder festive meal. Traditionally this is shared by families and communities, under the current circumstance many will be left with no invitations. The […]

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Why I Won’t Zoom My Shabbat Services

I miss my community. For two weeks, my Shabbat has not felt the same. And truth be told, even Fridays have not been the same. So much of what I used to do revolved around my community. Preparing the tasty (may I say legendary?) cholent on Friday. Working with my wife to get everything ready […]

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