A Call From Israel’s Chief Rabbinate to Mark the 120th Anniversary of the Rebbe’s Birth

Rabbis advise reaching out to fellow Jews with selfless love The two chief rabbis of Israel, along with the 12 members of the Chief Rabbinical Council, issued a proclamation calling for Jews worldwide to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef […]

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Guest Editorial: Why Is This Night’s Matzah Different?

It’s 2022, and this year your matzah may likely taste radically different from all other Passover matzahs. The simple Passover matzah, made of nothing but flour and water, has survived our turbulent history and continues to serve as a reminder of the past, a symbol of freedom and hope for the future. Even in the […]

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In Pursuit of Practicable Freedom

Editor’s note: 11 Nissan, corresponding this year to April 12, is the birth date of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. In honor of his lifelong commitment to education, the date was designated Education Day USA by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. It continues to be thus honored and recognized by every US President […]

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Two 27-Year-Old Friends, Paralympic Coach, 35, Murdered in Tel Aviv Terror Attack

Terrorist shot dead in Jaffa after an hours-long manhunt Two 27-year-old childhood friends who were out for a drink on a beautiful early-spring evening in the heart of Tel Aviv, and a 35-year-old paralympic coach and father of three, were murdered when a terrorist opened fire on Dizengoff Street, always packed with restaurants and bars […]

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Washington, D.C., Conference Celebrates the Rebbe’s ‘Living Legacy’

The three-day conference was headlined by lawmakers, diplomats and rabbis from around the world The legacy of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—whose 120th anniversary of birth will be marked on April 12, wasn’t taken for granted by pundits and academics in the period following his passing in 1994. Sociologists and religion experts […]

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A Sociologist’s Fresh Take on the Rebbe’s Vision

Revisiting Social Vision: The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Transformative Paradigm for the World, by Philip Wexler with Eli Rubin and Michael Wexler The 11th day of the Hebrew month of Nissan, corresponding this year to Tuesday, April 12, is the 120 anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. As the day […]

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Passover in Space: Astronaut to Blast Off With Matzah in Hand

Israeli Eytan Stibbe to take shmurah matzah to the International Space Station from Chabad Eating hand-made shmurah matzah in space during Passover may sound like something out of a sci-fi film, but when four astronauts lift off tomorrow on the Axiom Space mission to the International Space Station that is exactly what will happen, given […]

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Events Celebrating 120th Anniversary of Rebbe’s Birth Broadcast Online

Chabad.org features programs from New York and Florida The 120th anniversary of the Rebbe’s birth draws nearer, excitement is building. Governors are signing proclamations, declaring the day to be “Education and Sharing Day” in their states, families are visiting the Ohel—the Rebbe’s resting place in Queens, N.Y.—and communities around the globe are holding farbrengens (Chassidic […]

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Ukraine Student Finds Refuge in German Town His Ancestors Fled

An exiled Ukraine yeshivah meets the mayor of Düsseldorf and the town historian Anti-Semitism was on the rise in Germany. A year into Hitler’s reign, the footsteps of the Holocaust were fast approaching. Laws curbing Jewish freedom were enacted, and a year into the regime, in 1934, Jews were barred from civil service and limited […]

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