Lexington Rabbi responds to vandalism at Chabad at UK Jewish Student Center

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – A scorn wrongdoing is the thing that Chabad of the Bluegrass Rabbi Shlomo Litvin calls the defacement he found at the Jewish Student Center on UK’s grounds. “This is coming after a flood of hostile to Semitic assaults on college grounds all over the nation,” Rabbi Litvin said. The University of […]

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International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch missaries Moves Online Amid Pandemic

Since its starting in 1983 by the Rebbe Lubavitch, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, zt”l, the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries (Kinus Hashluchim) has united Chabad-Lubavitch messengers for a few days of motivation, learning and association. From a debut meeting of 65 messengers, it has expanded to one that yearly observes almost 6,000 messengers and lay-pioneers […]

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Brookfield opens in new center – Chabad of Waukesha

BROOKFIELD – Chabad of Waukesha-Brookfield has bought, revamped and returned a previous Trinity Broadcasting Network working, at 1275 N. Barker Road in Brookfield. The new focus permits Chabad of Waukesha-Brookfield, which initially opened to the general population in 2012, to move out of its rabbi’s home. The new focus, with 8,400 square feet, is double […]

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Chabad-Lubavitch Announces Emissary to the United Arab Emirates

Each new day appears to carry with it noteworthy uplifting news from the Middle East. August’s unexpected declaration of the United States-facilitated Abraham Accords Peace Agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel was followed a month later by a comparable understanding between the Kingdom of Bahrain and Israel. The two Arab states and Israel […]

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Chabad Explores Opening New Centers in Muslim Countries

STATEMENT BY CHABAD-LUBAVITCH WORLD HEADQUARTERS With the developing standardization between Muslim nations and Israel, we can hope to see a critical expansion in the quantity of Jewish voyagers and finance managers to these territories,” said Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky at Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in New York. “Chabad is investigating the potential outcomes of building up focuses […]

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Live Abu Dhabi: A look at Jewish life in the UAE and Morocco

The menu at Armani Kaf, an eatery at an inn in downtown Dubai, includes a “glatt legitimate” steak. Indeed, numerous lodgings in Dubai currently work legitimate kitchens. Imports of fit wine to the United Arab Emirates are expanding, also, and there are Jewish petition majorities meeting every day in Abu Dhabi. Those are only a […]

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13 Facts About Rabbi Shalom DovBer of Lubavitch

He Was Named for His Two Great-Grandfathers Rabbi Sholom DovBer of Lubavitch (known by his abbreviation, the Rebbe Rashab) was conceived on 20 Marcheshvan, 5621 (1860). He was named after two of his celebrated incredible granddads: a) Rabbi Sholom Shachna,1 father of the third Chabad rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn of Lubavitch. b) Rabbi DovBer […]

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Remembering Jewish giants: Adin Steinsaltz, Jonathan Sacks – opinion

In the most recent month, two Jewish monsters left us: Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz-Even Yisroel, and Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. Each in their own particular manner had an incredible effect on the Jewish public and their general surroundings. Rabbi Steinsaltz’s momentous scholarly abundance included opening the Talmud with his memorable interpretation. He created many works, remembering […]

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Old Congregation Gets a Rabbi – Australia Coal Capital’s Century

On Yom Kippur, 1803, 22-year-old Joseph Samuel was condemned to death by hanging in the corrective state that was Australia. After individual convict Joseph Marcus, one of the soonest Jewish convicts with good Jewish schooling, discussed the last supplications with Samuel in Australia’s previously recorded case of public Jewish petition, Samuel slipped into obviousness as […]

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