Second Playground in Coral Springs Opened For Marjory Stoneman Douglas Tragedy Victim

CORAL SPRINGS, FL – A second playground has opened in Coral Springs in honor of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School tragedy victim, Meadow Pollack. The new playground is at Chabad of Coral Springs, the Jewish family center which Pollack’s family has long attended. In January, her family and other supporters opened the first playground at Betti […]

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Nathan Lewin Man Who Kept the Menorah Shining to Keynote Chabad Conference

At the point when Nathan Lewin addresses the virtual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries (Kinus Hashluchim) as its feature this Sunday evening, there will be no requirement for a presentation. Over the past 50 years, Lewin has become well known as a gifted litigator and become acclaimed as one of the country’s superior safeguards of […]

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Judaism and Progress

The crucial inquiries of Genesis One of Rashi’s most notable interpretative inquiries can be found in his first remark on the Torah, where he broadly asks, “For what reason does the Torah start with the record of the Creation?” However, as indicated by Nachmanides, the very inquiry is ridiculous. While it is valid, as Rashi […]

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No menorah in Durham, Hannukah celebration to be held at Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth

A rabbi at the UNH and Seacoast Chabad Jewish Center said he didn’t demand a public menorah show in the focal point of downtown Durham this year, yet he is arranging a “Chanukah on Ice” occasion at Strawbery Banke Museum in Portsmouth, where a monster menorah will be lit. “This year, because of COVID-19, we […]

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Nuance: The critical legacy of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks – opinion

Closely following the US political decision, it has never been more clear that the world necessities to hear and disguise the message that Rabbi Sacks both educated and displayed. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, who kicked the bucket not long ago, is being memorialized for some things: his grant, his surprising books and articles, his speech […]

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Israel Portnoy Sings Song Of Peace

Israel Portnoy is an artist from Hale, Cheshire, UK, who currently resides in the land of his namesake, Israel. He shared a video for his beautiful song “Peace of Prayer / Shalom” with us.  The video was filmed and recorded in New Jersey with gospel singers from the Garden State.  “As a Jew from the UK, currently living […]

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Au Naturel

The incredible silver coating of the gigantic tempest cloud called Covid is open air minyanim. I truly like davening in a recreation center, encircled ordinarily and trees, and, during Mincha, kids. Obviously, I’m composing this before the colder time of year downpours showed up here in Jerusalem. However, when that occurs, I’ll resemble Gene Kelly, […]

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Streaming Jewish Programs 15th- 20th Nov

Sunday, November 15Documentary Film Festival, National Library of Israel, through November 25. Check schedule for related events, and times). 8:30 am  Tamar Kaye, Avigayil Koegary, and Shulamit Reinharz, “Unchained,” Boston Jewish Film Festival, Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, and Schusterman Center for Israel Studies, Brandeis University, 11 am  Yonathan Levy, Andre Miko, and Anne Nelson, “Das […]

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Virtual classes, services , starting 13th November

Friday, November 13 B’nai Jeshurun Congregation, every day morning and Kabbalat Shabbat administrations – Weingold Weekend 7:15 a.m. what’s more, 6 p.m. B’nai Jeshurun administrations are accessible through Zoom, live stream or dial in and are being driven by our ministry. Visit for the Zoom and livestream joins. Park Synagogue virtual administrations 7:30 a.m. […]

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Ingen land enn Israel har høyere andel jøder enn her

Moncao er kjent for sine vakre strender, luksusleiligheter og kasinoer. Men det lille landet på Frankrikes sørøstlige kyst har også to synagoger og større jødiske befolkning enn Norge prescription 130 ganger flere innbyggere. Omkring to tusen av Monacos 39.000 innbyggere er jøder, og antallet vokser, melder Times of Israel. Drug omkring 5 prosent av befolkningen, […]

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