Torah Visuals: Animations Bring Jewish Mysticism to Life

New firm collaborates with to illustrate holiness in the digital age The glowing Hebrew letters emerge out of pure white light. They each move independently, swarming across the screen like ants until an invisible force draws them together into a form. A human form basking in sunlight. The person, the earth and the sun […]

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New Chabad to Open in Zambia

Rabbi Shlomo Bentolila, Director of Chabad of Central Africa, announced his intent to open a new Chabad center in Zambia in memory of his wife, Myriam, who passed away last week at the age of 52. “She helped others quietly, without publicity,” wrote Rabbi Bentolila on Facebook, “She did things because it had to be […]

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Personal Journeys: A Child of the Holocaust

Dozens of eyes silently follow the slender man on the speaker’s dais. The only sound in the hall is his voice, which captivates the audience. World War II, Nazism, Auschwitz, the yellow patch—images of a frightening past come to life as he speaks of his journey.  Once a week, Efraim makes the trip from his […]

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For Jewish Medical Students in Grenada, a New Home Away From Home

Chabad breaks ground on 15,000-square-foot center that includes mikvah and synagogue The Caribbean island of Grenada—known for its white sandy beaches, stunning waterfalls and an abundance of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and ginger—is also home to a thriving medical school. Now, the Spice Isle will also be the site of a new 15,000-square-foot Chabad center that […]

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Batter’s Up . . . But Never on Shabbat

Infielder and pitcher Elie Kligman has been running the bases as long as he can remember. One of the top-ranked youth players in Nevada, the eighteen-year-old has competed at all levels, but when the sun goes down on Friday, Elie is not on the field. The Las Vegas high school senior, now scouted by both […]

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A Personal Affair

I remember you, the kindness of your youth, the love of your betrothal, when you went after Me in the wilderness, in a land not sown. (Yirmiyahu 2:1) In the days leading up to the Seder last year, as I scrubbed my kitchen clean of chameitz, I questioned the point of this highly wrought exercise […]

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Looking for True Love? Then This Course Is for You!

Four-week video series with Chana Weisberg brings eternal truth to an everlasting pursuit There is nary an element of human experience as enigmatic and bewildering as love. It is intoxicating as it is painful, as fleeting as it is pervasive, and as powerful as it is subtle. Countless books have been written, millions of TED […]

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A Stranger in the Land

Yiftah and Sigal Geva live in Israel. Five years ago, Yiftah was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which causes thickening of the heart muscle. His doctor advised septal myectomy surgery, an open-heart procedure. The Israeli couple flew six thousand miles to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where Yiftah was to undergo surgery.  A few […]

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Global Shabbat Candle Lighting

In honor of the Rebbe’s birthday Nshei Chabad has planned a Universal candle lighting campaign for all Jewish women and girls. They are asking everyone to publicize this video with the following information. Dear sisters, Let’s all unite in unison as we light our Shabbat candles this Friday night bringing Divine blessings of health, peace […]

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