Ep. 4: Helping A Total Stranger In China

In Episode 4 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, Rabbi Sholom Greenberg, a Chabad Shliach from China, tells the story of how he and the Jewish community in and around Shanghai helped a Jew who had lived – and died – alone in a nearby city. The Chinese government wanted to […]

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Moment of Silence Bill Signed Into Law in Florida

Parents urged to guide their children on the time of brief reflection A Florida law that requires a one- to two-minute Moment of Silence at the start of each day in public schools was signed into law on Monday by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The law, which was passed by the Florida Legislature in April, prohibits […]

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Canadian Jewish Teens Have a Big Voice in New $13 Million Center

A collaborative effort to design the Robbins Family Youth Center in Thornhill, Ontario Teens at Chabad’s Jewish Youth Network in Thornhill, Ontario, have been sharing their hearts, minds and dreams for more than three years in helping to design the Robbins Jewish Youth Center, the first major Jewish community center in the world built exclusively […]

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From Building to Building

How Chabad of Southern Ontario has Grown over the Last Four Decades It was with a poignant sense of deja vu, on a chilly afternoon this spring, that Rabbi Zalman and Esty Grossbaum welcomed guests to a small groundbreaking ceremony for their new Chabad House in Vaughan, Ontario. Exactly thirty nine years earlier, the Grossbaums […]

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Torah on the Blockchain: The First-Ever NFT Torah

For the first time ever, the Torah is available in NFT form. An NFT, a non-fungible token, is a unique work of art or other piece of intellectual property that has been transformed into a digital asset. NFTs are sizzling hot in the tech world, and for Rabbi Mordechai Lightstone and Jonathan Caras, co-founders of […]

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The Rebbe’s Yahrzeit

The life of a tzaddik is not a life of the flesh, but a spiritual life consisting wholly of faith, awe, and love of G‑d. – The Tanya This Sunday, 3 Tammuz, marks the twenty-seventh anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s passing. Since his passing, the Rebbe’s influence on world Jewry has grown exponentially and is […]

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The Lubavitcher Rebbe, A Master of the Spirit

Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky served the Lubavitcher Rebbe as his secretary for more than forty years and is the chairman of the Chabad-Lubavitch educational and social-services arms. With the passage of time—and it is now twenty-seven years since his passing on Tammuz 3, 1994—interest in the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of blessed memory, grows steadily. Those […]

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Watch: 4000 Siyumim Launched

Resources available now for free access at TutAltz.com/4000. Share this with family and friends! As you prepare to conduct your Siyum Farbrengen at home, consider incorporating the new film released by JEM: “It’s Up To Us”. Inspired by the Moshiach Office.

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