A Mom, A Torah, A Chuppah Ceremony

The thought that she would never get to stand with her son under the chuppah broke Elisheva (Irene) Solovey’s heart. The single mom mourned the untimely passing of her son Eliezer (Leonard) at age 23. She needed solace. She found it in the creation of a Torah scroll in his memory. On a Sunday in […]

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Ep. 6: A Boston Rabbi’s Response To Stabbing Attack

In Episode 6 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, Reporter Gary Waleik visits the home of Shlomo Noginski, a rabbi in the Brighton neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. The brutal July 1st attack on Noginski outside a Jewish day school made for sensational news headlines. But Noginski and Shaloh House director Rabbi […]

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Tisha B’Av: Remembering for a Better Future

“One who mourns over Jerusalem merits to revel in its joy.”  This evening, Jews around the world will remove their shoes, begin a 25-hour fast, and sit low on the floor in the manner of mourners. We will read Eicha, the Book of Lamentations, funeral dirges over Jerusalem, “the city that sat alone” in the […]

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Rabbi Yoel Kahn, 91, Oral Scribe and Leading Disciple of the Rebbe

Gifted with prodigious memory, spent lifetime absorbing and disseminating the Rebbe’s teachings to the world Rabbi Yoel HaKohen Kahn, known to all simply as Reb Yoel, was a leading disciple of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, and his oral scribe. Blessed with unique intellectual gifts and a once-in-a-generation memory, Reb Yoel […]

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New Jersey Rabbi’s Hit-and-Run Trauma a Catalyst for Good Deeds

Randolph community rallies behind Rabbi Avraham Bekhor Following a hit-and-run accident that seriously injured their rabbi, the Jewish community of Randolph, N.J., has been rallying together to get as many mitzvah pledges as they can. The effort started in May and is still going strong. Rabbi Avraham Bekhor, co-director with his wife, Chava, of Chabad-Lubavitch […]

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A Light Goes Out: Reb Yoel Kahn (Kahan), 91

The worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch movement mourns the passing of Rabbi Yoel Kahan, its preeminent Chasidic scholar and teacher, and a protégé of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe. He passed away Thursday after a prolonged illness at age 91.   Known as “Reb Yoel,” he was revered by generations of Chabad students and scholars for his brilliance and his […]

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A Canceled Bar Mitzvah, A Heartwarming Wave Of Support

As the Delta Variant fueled South Africa’s third and most severe Covid-19 outbreak this year, the Jewish Community in Johannesburg went into shutdown. Gedaliah Kievman, the son of Chabad emissaries, looked forward to his bar mitzvah on Shabbat July 3. He had spent a year preparing to read his Torah portion on the Shabbat. But […]

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