The Tzfat Kabbalists Collection

At The Library Of Agudas Chasidei Chabad The rare manuscripts department at Chabad’s Central Library and Archive Center contains many original manuscripts penned by the great Kabbalists. Rabbi Moshe Cordevero (1482-1570), renowned as “Ramak,” was a student of the great Rabbi Yosef Karo, and was appointed a judge of the Rabbinic court of Safed in […]

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Chabad Marks Birthday of Movement’s Founder

In the Jewish calendar, the month of Elul takes up its own, unique place. It is the end and completion of the Jewish calendar year and at the same time also the introduction and gateway to the approaching New Year beginning with Rosh Hashanah. In its capacity as the former, Elul serves as a time […]

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Talmud Teasers: About Moses

How many can you answer? “Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses” Deuteronomy 34:10 The Torah readings of late summer are in the Book of Deuteronomy, the fifth and final of the Five Books of Moses. It contains the last will and testament of Moses to the Jewish people, shortly before […]

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Planting Life in the Desert of Arizona

New Shluchim arrive to downtown Phoenix “The Jewish people have always flourished in the desert,” said Rabbi Dovber Dechter, his frank and friendly voice resonating clearly over the phone line. “A desert personifies our mission in this world – to take dry, desert-like places and turn them into cities of Torah and good deeds.” Rabbi […]

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Book Notes

Escape From Iran The Exodus of Persian Jewry During the Islamic Revolution of 1979 Sholem Ber Hecht GD Media, 265 pages For 2,500 years the Jews of Persia, banished from their homeland, built a civilization in exile. Their fortunes rose and fell, from the glory of their ancestral traditions to persecution, suppression, and the brutality […]

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Hospitality is the Name of the Game at UMass Chabad

Chabad is purchasing a new property to accommodate their many guests Jodi Warum knows first-hand what it’s like to be constantly in and out of hospitals. A mother of five, she travels with her eight-year-old son, Azzi, every six months or so from Monsey, New York to treat his muscular dystrophy at UMass Memorial Medical […]

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Meet Australia’s Newest Supreme Court Justice, Rabbi Marcus Solomon

Educator, rabbi and judge speaks to in a wide-ranging interview Fifty-eight-year-old Rabbi Justice Marcus Solomon is a graduate of Chabad-Lubavitch yeshivahs in Australia, Israel and America. He was ordained as a rabbi before going on to study law in his native Australia. In 1987, he and his wife, Linda, married in Perth, where he […]

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Finding Fred After 80 Years

Off The Beaten Path: Chabad Houses You Didn’t Know Existed, Part 2 Chabad of Mat-su Valley, Alaska On a short Friday afternoon in December of 2019, Rabbi Mendy Greenberg pops into the Veterans and Pioneers Home of Palmer, Alaska. When he stops at the front desk to see if there are any Jewish residents, he’s […]

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Pop-Up Deli Serves up Sourdough Goodness

Customers eat for a cause at this deli, supporting the Friendship Circle adults who help run the pop-up A new pop-up deli at the Friendship Circle of Dallas is serving up mouth-watering food and an invaluable work opportunity for adults with special needs. The pop-up was founded this March, when Rabbi Levi and Leah Dubrawsky, […]

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