Stalled By Covid, The Jewish Tradition You May Never Have Heard of Rebounds En Masse

‘Areinfirenish’ celebration held for dozens of Chicago-area children It’s a custom that dates back at least to 11th century France. Young boys about to begin their formal Jewish education read and then lick honey off Hebrew letters, teaching them from the youngest age that Torah is sweet, like honey. Known in Hebrew as hachnasah lecheder […]

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Ep. 9: An Unforgettable Simchas Torah Celebration For Abrams’ Ailing Mother

In Episode 9 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, Reporter/Producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Yonasan Abrams, a shliach at Chabad of Temecula, California. Abrams and his wife, Netanya, took over for the ailing Rabbi Yitzi and his wife, Rebbetzin Dina Hurwitz, both of whom mentored Abrams when he […]

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As Hurricane Ida Barrels Into Louisiana, Chabad Centers on Call to Help

Destructive Category 4 storm hits on 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina Chabad emissaries in Louisiana were hunkered down and ready to help their communities deal with whatever Hurricane Ida brings as the intense Category 4 storm made landfall near Grand Isle, La., Sunday afternoon. Ida’s arrival comes on the 16-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which […]

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Chabad Community in Louisiana Braces for Hurricane Ida

With Hurricane Ida bearing down on Southern Louisiana, the Chabad Jewish Center community in Metairie, Louisiana, came together to prepare the synagogue and ensure community members have essential supplies. Metairie, a suburb of New Orleans, is located approximately 45 miles east of the expected trajectory of the category four storm, and is expected to experience […]

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A Jewish Library Changes the Beat in the Heart of Los Angeles

2,000 spiritually nourishing titles draw families from around the city The streets of Los Angeles are awash with waves of images and messaging containing everything under the sun, all of it in glittering Technicolor. The lights and action with which even the most debauched offerings are presented can present a challenge for anyone, but is […]

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The Tzfat Kabbalists Collection

At The Library Of Agudas Chasidei Chabad The rare manuscripts department at Chabad’s Central Library and Archive Center contains many original manuscripts penned by the great Kabbalists. Rabbi Moshe Cordevero (1482-1570), renowned as “Ramak,” was a student of the great Rabbi Yosef Karo, and was appointed a judge of the Rabbinic court of Safed in […]

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Chabad Marks Birthday of Movement’s Founder

In the Jewish calendar, the month of Elul takes up its own, unique place. It is the end and completion of the Jewish calendar year and at the same time also the introduction and gateway to the approaching New Year beginning with Rosh Hashanah. In its capacity as the former, Elul serves as a time […]

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