Jewish Pride Runs High at the NYC Marathon

For 16 years, Chabad of Long Island City has cheered on the runners with kosher snacks and prayers As they cross the Pulaski bridge from Brooklyn to Long Island City and pass the halfway mark of the New York City Marathon’s 26.2 miles, an exuberant Jewish welcome awaits the runners. They hear the Jewish music […]

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A Leap Of Growth, With More Room To Grow

Chabad of Naperville Celebrates Grand Opening and New Youth Directors In just one month of extreme growth, Chabad of Naperville, Illinois has doubled their staff size and more than tripled the size of their Chabad center. Chabad of Naperville was founded sixteen years ago by Rabbi Mendy and Alta Goldstein. Until this August, the Chabad […]

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An Interview with the Rebbe’s Doctor – Dr. Ira Weiss

Dr. Ira Weiss, Senior Attending Cardiologist at Evanston Hospital in Evanston, IL, was called in to attend to the Lubavitcher Rebbe after he suffered a severe heart attack in late 1977. He stayed on for several weeks and remained the Rebbe’s cardiologist through 1992. In that capacity, he had rare access to the Rebbe. Baila […]

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Shabbos In Tokyo: Liane Grunberg Wakabayashi

“My zaidy called it ‘di heiliger Shabbos’ (the holy Shabbos); my father called it the Shabbos; I call it ‘the Sabbath,’ my children call it ‘Saturday,’ and my grandchildren call it ‘the day before Super Bowl Sunday’.” This pithy anecdote describes a tragic trend among Jews who came over from the Old World and failed, […]

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The Nature of Healing: The Rebbe and Nobel Prize Cardiologist Bernard Lown

Following the Rebbe’s 1977 heart attack, Lown perceived the Rebbe’s holistic vision of healing It was the height of the Cold War, 1977. Dr. Bernard Lown—world-renowned Harvard cardiologist, pioneer of the direct-current defibrillator for cardiac resuscitation and co-founder of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)—was in Moscow. Beginning […]

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The Rhyme and Rhythm of Chassidic Life Through Chassidic Song

Ethnomusicologist talks spirituality and music in Chabad tradition Many a participant and observer of Chabad life has been transfixed by the melodies and strains that punctuate, and indeed uplift, the everyday life of a Chassidic community. The often wordless melodies dictate the mood and set the tone of an event, whether a meditational niggun (“melody”)during […]

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