In the words of Chassidic singer R’ Benny Friedman שיחיה: My grandfather, Rabbi Sholom Gordon of blessed memory, was many things. Among those many things, he was a self-diagnosed “Teffilin addict.” Wherever he went, he went with a pair of Teffilin, just in case he would run into a fellow Jew who hadn’t yet put […]
How the Rebbe’s Words Inspired Me to Approach Chabad and Change My Life
By Dovid Shlomo Soibil I was raised in a secular environment, so it should not be surprising that I really did not know much about the Rebbe until after October 7 of last year. I have a vague recollection of buzz among Jews in NYC when he died but did not understand it. My experience […]
Young Shliach from Sderot Addressing Kinus
Entertaining At His Own Bris – Super Special
The Young Jew, R Avraham who just had his bris at an hour before at age 96 is now entertaining at the special Mitzvah meal/Seudas Mitzvah! At chabad JRCC Toronto. Armin Konn, born 1926 in Ukraine under the oppression of the communist regime, fought withthe Partisans in 1942-43. He then served in the Red Army […]
Birkas Kohanim / Blessings for All
Geula Message from Parshas Naso with Rabbi Avrohom Yehuda Kievman, Dayan at Melbourne Beis Din, based on the teachings of The Rebbe
Torah Vadaas 8th Grade
Beautiful inspiring story. Chabad salutes the entire Torah Vadaas Yeshiva
Rifka’s Hot & Cold Journey to Judaism
After her stormy teenage years, Rifka Chilungu gave up on atheism, got hooked on Judaism, and missed her college graduation to attend a Brooklyn seminary By the time twenty-year-old Emily Couch walked across the plaza to the ancient stones of the Western Wall, she was exasperated. Despite having no Jewish family and only a few […]
Boston Terror Victim Realizes Dream of Opening New England Rabbinical School
Philanthropist Robert Kraft cuts ribbon on center where first cohort of eight rabbis will be trained On May 19, the Jewish holiday of Lag BaOmer, the ribbon-cutting for a new rabbinical school was held in Brighton, Mass., with philanthropist Robert Kraft flanked by local rabbis, dignitaries and elected officials. The school comes in response to […]
Young North American Jews Bond on Volcano Getaway
Dozens of young Jewish professionals from across the United States bonded on a Chabad getaway to Antigua, Guatemala last weekend Daniel Benyaminov is a chef of Israeli extraction who lives in Toronto, Canada. Last week, he was in Guatemala, looking into a live volcano. “I didn’t see that coming,” he laughs. But then, he also […]
The Rebbe Encourages Bar Yochai Song
The Rebbe encourages the singing of the popular Lag BaOmer song about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, the Rashbi.