Desperation, death, and hope in a city under siege My husband first met Rabbi Mendel Cohen a few years ago in our shul in Beersheva, Israel. He had a great smile and energy about him. You knew at once that he is the kind of person who cared deeply about everyone. They chatted, and my […]
Refined Language – The Era of Transformation
Geula Message from Parshas Metzora with Rabbi Avrohom Yehuda Kievman, Dayan at Melbourne Beis Din, based on the teachings of The Rebbe
‘The Four Cups’ Haggadah Brings Addiction Awareness to the Seder
Rabbi Shais Taub’s valuable new spiritual resource for the recovering alcoholic and addict For Jews around the world, Passover often comes with the stresses of cooking, cleaning and preparation that begins weeks before the holiday. But for those with a history of alcohol and drug dependency, the holiday comes with its own unique challenges as […]
Ep. 22: “Yes, There Are Jews In Montana!”
In Episode 22 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Chaim and Rebbetzin Chavie Bruk, who in 15 short years have brought Torah Judaism to Montana. Doctors, ranchers, and young professionals from Bozeman, Missoula, Kalispell, and Billings are connecting to their heritage because of […]
Congress Honors Lubavitcher Rebbe at Washington DC Conference
At the Living Legacy Conference, U.S. Senators and Government Officials set politics aside to honor the life work of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Senators, members of Congress, ambassadors, and dignitaries enjoyed kosher spreads, high-profile talks, and academic dissertations at a day-long conference in Washington DC. Held in an elegant caucus room, right across from the United […]
The Story Behind The Message of Sheva Mitzvos Reaching Over Half a Million People
BS”D When I was in fourth grade, my teacher had told our class about Write4fun, a Short Story and Poetry writing competition for tens of thousands of Australian students. I decided to enter and submit a poem. In seventh grade, when the contest was opened again, I made up my mind. This wouldn’t just be […]
Displaced by War, Teacher Helps Ukraine Children Find Haven in Online School
Miriam Alexandrov of Dnipro continues her work from afar In a time of unrelenting chaos and fear for the children of Dnipro, who are scattered around the world, an online version of their school back home in Ukraine has become a safe place to connect with friends, have fun and pray for peace together. It […]
Passover 2022: A Joyous Return to Connection and Community
Millions to once again join in family gatherings and communal Seders Passover is right around the corner, and Jewish families and friends around the world are eagerly looking forward to being together once again on the Seder nights. Chabad-Lubavitch centers are opening their doors to a record number of guests, and everyone is looking forward […]
Alaska Rabbi Becomes Youngest Rabbi to Open Congress in Prayer
Rabbi Mendy Greenberg prayed for peace in Ukraine and paid tribute to the Rebbe Ahead of the upcoming 120th anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—the U.S. Senate paid homage to the Rebbe and his influence on humanity at large, when Rabbi Mendy Greenberg, who directs the Mat-Su Jewish […]
Request from Ukraine Rabbis: Fill an Extra Chair at Your Seder for a Jew in Ukraine
A call for solidarity at the Seder with those who can’t attend one Six weeks into the bloody war in Ukraine, and Passover—the season of freedom—is on everyone’s minds. While Ukraine Jews hope and pray for a speedy resolution to the war (and the world along with them), Passover preparations in Ukraine are in full […]