In the most recent month, two Jewish monsters left us: Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz-Even Yisroel, and Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. Each in their own particular manner had an incredible effect on the Jewish public and their general surroundings. Rabbi Steinsaltz’s momentous scholarly abundance included opening the Talmud with his memorable interpretation. He created many works, remembering […]
11 Kippah Facts Every Jewish Guy Should Know
1. A Kippah Is a Head-Covering A kippah is a head-covering traditionally worn by Jewish men and boys as a sign of reverence and respect to G‑d. 2. It Is Also Called a Yarmulke or Koppel Kippah (lit. dome) is the Hebrew word for skullcap. It is also referred to in Yiddish as a yarmulke, […]
Online JLI Class With Chabad of Northbrook
Inlook Outlook: Guidance from the Rebbe for confronting life’s challenges. 3 online sessions starting Tuesday June 9th. Chabad of Northbrook presents:Inlook Outlook Guidance from the Rebbe for confronting life’s challenges How you think about any situation determines how you feel about it. This mini series presents a fascinating glimpse into three handpicked, private correspondences with […]
Religious Offerings: Chabad House presents lecture series on Zoom
Lecture series Chabad House of Greater Toledo presents a four-part lecture series on Zoom, “Cultivating Character: Life Wisdom from the Ethics of Our Fathers,” beginning Sunday. Ethics of Our Fathers, or Pirkei Avot, is a compilation of age-old aphorisms offering Jewish wisdom on life, morality, and character development. The lecture series continues an ancient tradition […]
Quick Seder Refresher
A quick, one-page overview of the Passover Meal’s steps The Seder is a feast that includes reading, drinking wine, telling stories, eating special foods, singing, and other Passover traditions. As per Biblical command, it is held after nightfall on the first night of Passover (and the second night if you live outside of Israel), the […]
Proclamation on Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2020
Preparing the next generation to lead lives of purpose and significance is one of our foremost responsibilities. Education is essential to cultivating a spirit of curiosity and learning, developing character and conscience, and strengthening the will to work collaboratively. On Education and Sharing Day, we pay tribute to the family members, educators, mentors, clergy members, […]
Pennsylvania man charged with making threats to Jews, other minorities
Federal charges have been levied against a Pennsylvania man for posting online threats against Jews and other minorities. Corbin Kauffman, 31, posted a threatening image on a social media website on March 13, 2019, that featured a digitally created image of his arm and hand aiming an AR-15 rifle at praying Jewish men gathered in […]
Chaplain becomes certified Holocaust educator
Rabbi Mendy Fellig and his wife, Henchi, from the Chabad Jewish Student Center, were among an unprecedented cohort created to make sure the next generation is educated about the past. Rabbi Menachem “Mendy” Fellig, who runs the Chabad Jewish Student Center at the University of Miami, is from a generation where he and his peers […]
Candidates for AS President and Vice President: Rebecca Grinberg and Nikolas Morrison-Welch
Leadership comes naturally to Rebecca Grinberg, who had involved herself in multiple organizations on campus before deciding to run for Associated Students president. “My parents come from the Soviet Union, so I was the first generation to be born in the United States,” said Grinberg. “Growing up, I had this really large motivation to really […]
Online Judaism: A guide for parents on engaging Jewishly in the time of corona
(March 30, 2020 / JNS) It wasn’t so long ago when life was so over-the-top busy that you longed for some quiet unstructured time with your children. The coronavirus pandemic has granted that wish. And then some. With no end in sight of QT (Quality Time), many schools have come to a parent’s rescue with […]