At Austin, Texas, Site of Antisemitic Banner, a Pop-up Menorah-Lighting

In a city targeted by neo-Nazis with ‘Vax the Jews’ message, Chabad is undeterred

There will be a pop-up Chanukah celebration on the Austin, Texas, bridge where antisemitic messages were displayed.

One month after a neo-Nazi group displayed a banner reading “Vax the Jews” from a bridge in Austin, Texas, Chabad-Lubavitch of Austin will be hosting a menorah-lighting and pop-up Chanukah celebration on the second night of the holiday, Monday, Nov. 29, on the bridge where the hateful message was displayed.

Texans have roundly condemned the ugly banner near the Shalom Austin Jewish Community Center and in the vicinity of several synagogues, with Austin Mayor Steve Adler condemning the hate in a tweet. “I am heartbroken to see antisemitic hatred in Austin, a welcoming and respectful place. Hatred of any kind has no place in our city.”

Days before the overpass display, on the Far West Mopac Overpass, anti-Semitic graffiti was scrawled on a local high school parking lot.

Rabbi Yosef Levertov, co-director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Austin, was quick to point out that the hate group was not local and had been traveling throughout the country spreading their bigotry. While he’s been in contact with local and national law enforcement, Levertov and his colleagues at Chabad centers across Greater Austin seek to counter such a vile message with open displays of Jewish pride.

“We must not be intimidated. We must not let this impact who we are and how we celebrate our Judaism,” said Levertov. “We must respond as Jews—with increased light and kindness—and set an example with strong, confident Jewish pride.”

Chabad centers in the area have erected new public menorahs, including the a pop-up menorah-lighting on the overpass where the antisemitic banner hung. “We will transform these sites to places of light,” declared Levertov. “Come out to celebrate with us as a community to show unity and pride, and encourage your non-Jewish neighbors to come as well.”

Levertov is confident that as a community, Austin residents and visitors of all backgrounds will turn out to reject the hatred and antisemitism. “On Chanukah, we celebrate the victory of light over darkness, freedom over tyranny and the righteous over the wicked. We will spread light in Austin like never before.”


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