Alaska Rabbi Becomes Youngest Rabbi to Open Congress in Prayer

Rabbi Mendy Greenberg prayed for peace in Ukraine and paid tribute to the Rebbe

Rabbi Mendel Greenberg, 32, was the youngest rabbi to be a guest chaplain in Congress when he opened the Senate in prayer on March 31.

Ahead of the upcoming 120th anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—the U.S. Senate paid homage to the Rebbe and his influence on humanity at large, when Rabbi Mendy Greenberg, who directs the Mat-Su Jewish Center Chabad Lubavitch in Palmer, Alaska, with his wife, Chaya, opened the Senate in prayer on March 31.

Greenberg, 32, the youngest rabbi to be a guest chaplain in Congress, is the second rabbi from Alaska to lead Congress in prayer. His father—Rabbi Yosef Greenberg, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Alaska—opened the Senate session in 2016.

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) sponsored the appearance by the younger Greenberg last week, noting his long-standing relationship with Greenberg and his parents. “What they do for our community—communities throughout Alaska—is so powerful, so meaningful and touches so many lives way beyond the Jewish community of Alaska … , ” said Sullivan. “They are incredible in terms of bringing all Alaskans together,” he added, speaking of the annual Alaska Jewish Gala that reaches many Alaskans of all backgrounds. “It is one of my favorite things to do as an Alaskan, to come and celebrate not just the Jewish community, but the spirit of togetherness, the spirit of faith and the spirit of taking care of one another.”

Greenberg opened his remarks with a prayer for Ukraine. “Almighty God, Master of the Universe,” the rabbi began, “we stand before You in prayer in these troubling times when innocent men, women and children have lost their lives and millions fled their homeland due to the catastrophic war in Ukraine. In the words of King David, Psalms, Chapter 121: ‘I lift my eyes to the mountains—from where will my help come? My help will come from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth.’ ”

Invoking the Torah’s timeless wisdom, Greenberg prayed for the understanding that the “ultimate way to eliminate the cause of war and bring true peace to the world is by embodying the universal values of the seven commandments issued to Noah after the great flood, foremost of which is not to commit murder.”

Greenberg beseeched G‑d to bless the Senate, whose very gathering, he noted, is a fulfillment of one the the seven Noahide laws—the obligation to enact just laws.

The primary force driving the fulfillment of the Noahide laws for the first time in generations is the Rebbe, whose 120th anniversary of birth on the 11th day of the Jewish month of Nissan is being marked on April 12, noted Greenberg.

“In 1978, this honorable body established the Rebbe’s birthday as Education and Sharing Day USA and [it] is proclaimed annually by the President of the United States in recognition of the Rebbe’s global campaign to bring awareness and educate our youth about these ethical values of the Seven Noahide Laws as the basis for a just and compassionate society.

“Almighty God, may it be in the merit of realizing the Rebbe’s vision for humanity, [that] we speedily see the fulfillment of Isaiah’s promise: ‘Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore,’ with the coming of Moshiach, Amen.”


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