Young Jewish Professionals Gain Spiritual Strength at International Gathering

Annual Shabbaton draws hundreds from U.S. and Canada

Young Jewish Professionals from the United States and Canada gathered in New York for an annual Shabbaton weekend.

Finding one’s place in the Jewish community as a young, single adult can be challenging. Creating a broad, multi-national community of one’s peers is even harder. But for the hundreds of young adults who convened this past week for the Chabad Young Professionals International Re-Encounter Shabbat Experience, it didn’t look so challenging at all.

Over the course of three inspiring days, young Jews from all over the United States and Canada gathered in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, N.Y., where they enjoyed the warmth and vibrancy of the authentic Chassidic neighborhood. With a curated program full of interconnected experiences developed by Chabad Young Professionals International, participants couldn’t help but grow closer to one another and feel that they really are part of a large yet tight-knit community.

“The thing that stuck with me the most—beyond the hospitality of the host families—was being part of such a large group of young Jewish people celebrating Shabbat together,” said Ellie Silver, from Chicago, Illinois.

Participants arrived early Friday morning and were immersed in a Jewish life that goes far beyond the walls of the synagogue. Kosher eateries, a state of the art mikvah tour, and a touch-and-feel demonstration at the sofer’s shop brought areas of Judaism to life in ways a lecture, video, or conversation never could.

As the sun dipped below the horizon on Friday afternoon and Shabbat settled in, participants went to their hosts homes to ready themselves for the holy day. “Being immersed for an entire 25 hours in their hosts’ home is the highlight of the weekend for many participants,” said Berel Frankel, director of Chabad Young Professionals International.

“We loved the warmth of the host families and the gathering of amazing people,” Mir Levenson, of Charlotte, N.C. told

The group shared moments of prayer and study.

The Shabbat saw a program that melded prayer, communal meals, lectures and farbrengens gatherings for participants to choose from. To wit, the early Shabbat morning Chassidic study session with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, author of Towards a Meaningful Life and popular lecturer, lasted for more than four hours.

“I’ve been to a couple of Shabbatons before, but none like this,” said Levy Mann, of Bellevue, Washington. “Everyone was mingling and getting to know each other, and it was a phenomenal experience. I particularly enjoyed listening to Rabbi Jacobson. Everything he said made me think.”

After the conclusion of Shabbat, buses brought participants to the swanky DUMBO neighborhood in Brooklyn for an uplifting and energizing evening with Jewish rapper Nissim Black and singer DJ Shatz. While the live Jewish music, rousing lechaims, and entertaining games are a part of the program, it is the Jewish pride and many connections that are made that sits at the heart of the burgeoning CYP community.

“We are excited to see the formation of a large, international community of young Jewish adults,” said Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, the educational arm of the Chabad movement. “As the community grows, everyone grows together, socially, professionally, and of course, beautiful Jewish families. We have already seen many happy couples meet and marry over the years, and G‑d willing, many more will be able to find their Jewish soulmate in this broad and welcoming milieu.”

At a tour of the mikvah

The Highlight

The highlight of the Shabbaton came the following day, when everyone visited the Ohel,the resting place of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, in Queens, N.Y.

“Going to the Ohelwas uplifting,” said Mann. “It was truly a beautiful, spiritual experience.”

Mann had wanted to grow in his Jewish observance, and while at the Ohel decided that he’s start with saying the Shema every morning and evening. “I want to build up to putting on tefillin every day,” he said. “That’s my goal.”

“The Ohel was probably the best part of my entire weekend,” agreed David Dobkin, from Minneapolis, Minn.

“This CYP Re-encounter Shabbaton provided us with an opportunity to connect with members of our community in a very meaningful way. The significance of being in Crown Heights and the warmth the community served as the backdrop for life changing experiences,” said Rabbi Henoch Rosenfeld, who, together with his wife Sarah co-directs CYP of Pittsburgh, Pa

The weekend was an opportunity to make friends from all over.

Adam Danenberg is one of the young Pittsburgh Jewish community members who came to Brooklyn with Rosenfeld. Danenberg is also a member of the Tree of Life Synagogue that was the site of a deadly antisemitic in 2018. When Shabbat was over and Danenberg returned to his hosts’ home, he was greeted with the news of the hostage situation in Texas.

“We talked a lot about what was going on, and my host family was really phenomenal,” said Danenberg. “We made havdalah together and after an entire Shabbat together, it was comforting to be in each other’s company that night.”

All in all, it was a weekend to remember, and as the cameraman ran around and asked people to share their thoughts, the consensus was, “We’re coming back next year!”

Lighting Shabbat candles
At the Ohel
For most, the trip to the Ohel was the highlight of the weekend.
At the Rebbe’s resting place


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