This Sunday , Chof-ches Elul, Tof Shin Pei Alef-5781- Sep 5, 2021: An unprecedented historic global gathering is taking place to unite Jews around the world to daven for the Geulah

Ever since the destruction of the Temple, the Jewish people have dreamed of the Geulah, the final and complete Redemption – a time when suffering will end, and G-dliness will be revealed throughout existence. It is this vision of the Geulah that has kept the Jewish spirit alive during the darkest moments of exile.

Two thousand years is enough! Our holy Sages tell us that _if all the Jewish people were to cry out for the Geulah together, Hashem would surely bring it immediately!

Chief Rabbis from multiple countries, world-renowned rabbinical leaders, and inspirational speakers *from all segments of Jewish society including Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Chassidic, and Litvish, will share words of inspiration and insight into the final Redemption, and how unity is paramount to achieving it.
At the conclusion of the program, millions of Jews will unite in reciting specific Tefillos -including a few select chapters of Tehillim (Psalms)- demonstrating their enduring desire for the Geulah. We will also b’ezras Hashem be inspired to commit to kabolos tovos (good resolutions) suggested by our Gedolei Yisroel, to hasten its arrival.

The suggested Tefillos, as well as educational and promo resources, are available on the website unitedforgeulah.com. Please REGISTER your names to be brought to Mekomos HaKedoshim before the Yom Hadin.

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