90 Young Refugees From Ukraine Children’s Home Arrive Safely in Israel

End of a perilous journey from Zhitomir to Romania to Tel Aviv

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett of Israel and Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm of Zhitomir, Ukraine, with two of the 90 children who were evacuated from Zhitomir’s Chabad-run Alumim children’s home on Feb. 24

A group of 90 young refugees from a children’s home in Zhitomir, Ukraine, arrived at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport where they were greeted by Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and other cabinet ministers, ending a grueling, five-day journey through a deadly war zone.

The children, ages two to 12, were evacuated from Zhitomir’s Chabad-run Alumim children’s home on Feb. 24, as sirens began to wail and missiles exploded near the children’s home. Chabad fled westward to the Carpathian mountains, where they found refuge from the constant shelling until March 1, when they escaped the war-torn country for the safety of Romania. There, they were assisted by Chabad of Cluj-Napoca (Klausenburg) in finding temporary accommodations while they planned their flight to Israel.

During their stay in Romania, the children recovered from their difficult ordeal, with Chabad arranging local children’s entertainers to perform for them, and taking them to various playgrounds and attractions in the city.

On Sunday, March 6, the 140-person group, led by Chabad of Zhitomir’s directors, Rabbi Shlomo and Esther Wilhelm, which included several dozen parents and staff members boarded a charter flight to Tel Aviv, where they received a hero’s welcome from dignitaries and elected officials.

“I’m simply overwhelmed,” Malka Bukiet, the director of the children’s home who led the evacuation, told Chabad.org shortly after landing in Israel. “We’ve been welcomed by a loving embrace from people of all walks of life. It feels incredible to be here.”

Bukiet says that while the children were traumatized by the evacuation from Zhitomir, they’re thrilled to be in the Holy Land. “This is their life’s dream, for the entire children’s home to visit Israel together. Sadly it had to be under such circumstances. G‑d willing, next time we’ll visit for happier occasions.”

The Ukraine Jewish Relief Fund has been established to help provide assistance to the Jewish communities in Ukraine impacted by the war.

Click here for a prayer you can say and a list of good deeds you can do in the merit of the protection of all those in harm’s way.

145 refugees, including children and staff, were on the flight.

Source: https://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/aid/5429204/jewish/90-Young-Refugees-From-Ukraine-Childrens-Home-Arrive-Safely-in-Israel.htm

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