All 70 Days For 70 Years: Day 61 ב׳ בשבט ה׳תש״פ (January 28, 2020) No Comments a suggested answer to question of “Why Sanctuary Cities when Moshiach Comes” Previous Post Next Post You may also like ט״ו בתמוז ה׳תשפ״א (June 25, 2021) As Shabbat Nears in Surfside, a Feeling of Uncertainty and Togetherness כ״ה בכסלו ה׳תש״פ (December 23, 2019) The giant spinning top was unveiled by a team of creators, sponsors, educators and elected officials. (Photo: David Levy) Florida Children Create ‘World’s Largest Dreidel’ ח׳ בניסן ה׳תש״פ (April 2, 2020) Siyum for Firstborns in the Age of Corona
ט״ו בתמוז ה׳תשפ״א (June 25, 2021) As Shabbat Nears in Surfside, a Feeling of Uncertainty and Togetherness
כ״ה בכסלו ה׳תש״פ (December 23, 2019) The giant spinning top was unveiled by a team of creators, sponsors, educators and elected officials. (Photo: David Levy) Florida Children Create ‘World’s Largest Dreidel’